Roots Membership Signup

We love the music as much as you do.

However, we can only bring the music to you if we pay for it through licensing fees to every musical artist and author. We must also pay for the streaming service, broadcast equipment, and engineering support. We are listener-supported, commercial-free, and staffed entirely by volunteers. Without your support, we cannot keep the music that changed the world alive.

Become a member today and help save the music!




Commercial radio typically plays twenty minutes of commercials every hour. That’s the equivalent of three to five songs. They also play the same 500 songs repeatedly. On The Roots you can hear thousands of songs with NO commercial breaks and no daily repetition. We aim to repeat songs no more than once per month unless they are part of a unique program. 

Most of our music is out of print and hard to find. We constantly comb local record shows and search for rarities you will not hear elsewhere. Rare, 50+-year-old vinyl is restored digitally, checked for quality, verified by MusicBrainz, and retagged before finally archiving into our massive uncompressed audio retrieval system.

The Roots offers twelve different membership levels for you to choose from. You can pay monthly or yearly. You can even create your payment plan to fit your finances. We now offer several gift incentives based on your support amount. Any membership can be adjusted up or down at any time. Just log onto our Member Portal and make any changes you wish. Every Roots member receives a unique discount code for use in The Roots Loot Store. 

We offer two ways to get help. You can e-mail our founder, John Stephens, at  Or we have built a support document that is available at

Our memberships never expire, and auto-renew once a year following notification.  

You can update your credit card for your sustaining membership by logging into our membership portal and making the needed changes.

The best and most reliable way to give is through ACH Transfer!

Sustaining memberships are extremely important and are what keeps this station running every single day.

We are not a 501C3 yet, but that is in our future plans.  If you want to make a donation or purchase a membership for $500 or more, we can process your payment through St. Louis Classic Rock. They are a 501C3 and they can make sure your donations get to us. Please contact  and he will set that up for you.


Roots member tshirt2
Roots Members Only Tee

“I  Helped Save the Music”  New Member Logo


Membership Benefits


Members are automatically entered to win all raffles and giveaways.


Members are automatically invited to exclusive meet & greet events.


Members receive an automatic 10% discount on Roots Loot Store merchandise.


Members receive special access to Roots programmers, hosts & leadership.

Members Only

Members receive exclusive access to our Members Only portal. Here you will find content available only to our sustaining members.